automatic language detection checkbox is missing - Microsoft Community


i have been searching lot language problems on powerpoint, since downloaded german language pack. using windows in turkish (and keyboard turkish) create powerpoints in german. tried everything, german standart language corrections , office display , else. whenever type on ppt it's automatically turkish. 

the solution seems unchecking checkbox: "detect language automatically" or in german "sprache automatisch erkennen". in case, there absolutely no checkbox @ all! attached screenshot. funny thing checkbox there ms word not on ppt.

so if me, that'd great. i'm tired of seeing red lines under words type.

hi elificious,

based on your description, want spell check using german.

you need set german default, picture shows below:

go file>option>language>select german>set default.


after setting it, result picture below:

for automatic language detection, its unavailable use in powerpoint.  

we suggest vote for you should improve having automatically detect language writing. in uservoice.

thanks understanding.



Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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