Exchage Active Sync error on remote connectivity analyzer - Microsoft Community

ios mail mobile app and outlook app on mobile devices are not syncing the mail inbox folder. every other folder  is synchronizing well.  sent mail items syncing ok,  deleted mail items ok, calendar ok,  contacts ok,  files ok. 

t1 , t2 support from outlook app not fix problem.  tested connectivity microsoft remote connectivity analyzer and it gave the following error: "getitemestimate command inbox"  

i have disable/re-enable eas, deleted big amount of emails on inbox, removed devices list on exchange device account.  @ moment error occurring in one account on the exchange server.  

this error happening on mobile devices apps.  outlook web application and outlook software on a computer on network are working properly.

need fix problem.

the ms connectivity tool works full exchange mail accounts, not outlook.com

if accessed via web browser menu bar shows "outlook mail" or "outlook email" account has been migrated exchange, eas no longer used

Office / Outlook / iPhone & iPad / Office Mobile apps


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