office 365 attached to old and inaccessible email account - Microsoft Community

when signed office 365, attached email address (  no longer have access to.  can read current mail desktop clicking on envelope icon (mail-windows 10) if click on typed list @ right outlook 2016 takes me windows live , nothing appears except little box asks me verify server old email account no longer have.  have 2 microsoft accounts; 1 ordering history, rewards points, , @ 1 time had old email address has current email address, , microsoft account nothing on except outlook account. cannot access email inside either account because both take me windows live. how can remove @centurylink,net stuff , both microsoft account , office 365 operate same way mail-windows 10?

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***


thank posting concern in our community. regards concern when changing domain, recommend contacting our answer desk using link.

don't hesitate reach out if have other concerns.

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 Home


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