Trying to change location of SearchIndex - Microsoft Community

windows 10

outlook 2010

in outlook:

file menu, options

   outlook options, search, sources

      "change outlook store indexed windows search" - click 'indexing options...' button

         indexing options, click 'advanced' button

            advanced options, index location

            current location: c:\programdata\microsoft

               choose 'select new' button , browse new (existing) folder

               new location, after service restarted: e:\outlookemailindex

          ok, close, ok.

i can't folder change apply.

i restart outlook , windows search service - assume service referred above.

no change, after reboot.  

hi john,

aside method performed, can change through registry editor. before performing procedure, recommend create of registry following steps on link.

simply follow these steps on how change search index location via registry editor:

  1. press windows + r, type "regedit" on dialog box, click ok.
  2. click yes if prompted uac.
  3. navigate location: hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows search
  4. on right pane, choose windows search.
  5. double-click datadirectory.
  6. type full path of location want store index at, add \search\data\ end of path, , click ok.
  7. stop , start windows search service apply changes.

should need further assistance, let know.

Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010


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