Acceptance of Meetings in Outlook - Microsoft Community

in outlook calendar - have option accept, decline or tentative accept meeting invitation.

when decline invitation - booking removed calender - , if send tentative accept ( knowing not attend) meeting planner not know not attending - - meeting still presented tentative in calendar.

i have interest in have meetings presented in calender - regardsless of attendance or not.

i suggest - function of " decline - keep in calendar" developed - both meeting planner , invited participants. meeting planner have clear view of participants , invited - not participate - still later on - have possibility find date of meeting in calendar - regardless of fact invitation was declined.

if function exist - please guide me in how activate in outlook calendar.

best regards



i use "tentative/ not send response", isn't same (especially if organizer needs know if key person declining, or if trying headcount event)

Office / Outlook / Microsoft Office Programming / Unknown/other


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