After the last automatic windows update the contents of my calendar - Microsoft Community

i have windows 365.  after last automatic windows update contents of calendar deleted.  have windows phone , run windows 365 calendar on , had them synchronized.  contents of calendar on phone erased.  entries onto calendar on desktop or phone not synchronize other.


i calendar because it's difficult reconstruct feeling need phone , pc on same page.


i downloaded support , recovery assistance office 365 not run because account has e-mail address aol, program says not supported.


what do now?

you need clarify whether refer win update or office 365 update, there no windows 365.

support/recovery assistant functions full exchange mail account

an imap mail account not sync calendar/tasks/people mail

a mail account syncs

are using ms outlook or win10 mail & calendar apps?

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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