import shared calendar .ics into Outlook 2010 keeps asking - Microsoft Community

for while (perhaps recent upgrade of, outlook 2010 won't allow me import .ics shared calendar anymore. here's happens:

  1. i log in hotmail address.
  2. i go options > calendar > shared calendars > publish calendar
  3. i select shared calendar want import. calendar created else, gave me full access it, it's visible there calendar.
  4. i generate links full disclosure of calendar events , copy .ics link.
  5. i open outlook 2010, go calendar, right-click in calendars tab, , select add calendar > internet...
  6. i paste .ics url box , click ok , yes confirm want add , subscribe.
  7. a couple of months ago worked. calendar available after this, no problems. now... popup asking username , password. 'enter user name , password download: [.ics url]'. i've tried ignoring , i've tried username , password. popup won't accept either, popup come again. error message 'access resource denied. if have signed , saved windows live id web site, sign out of web site, , try operation again.' that, alas, doesn't help. exact same thing happens again, exact same error message.

would appreciate help. clear: don't want add entire account in outlook 2010. want have calendar available in outlook 2010 calendar, that's all. should point out privileges limited - company's ict policy doesn't allow me install additional software...


we suggest repair office application using, may follow steps here in repair office application.

let know how goes.


Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010


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