Issue with changing the keyboard shortcuts in Powerpoint to work with - Microsoft Community


powerpoint has a lot of keyboard shortcuts format text , objects. work on mac properly, scandinavian keyboard there issue keyboard shortcut increase , decrease font size.

with keyboard command cmd + shift + < or >

but in scandinavian keyboard < , > symbols on same key. makes impossible use shortcut make font smaller because pressing shift-key required shortcut. (see keyboard images attached more details.)

when keyboard has "<" , ">" symbols on behind shift + "," or "." combo have ";" , ":" -symbols "," , ".".

when using powerpoint on pc shortcuts font size use same "," , "." keys used on keyboard (basically keys keyboard have smaller , larger signs.)

scandinavian keyboard (swedish & finnish)

us keyboard:

i tried remap shortcuts based on instruction: did not work. 

i think have "menu title" wrong when remapping keyboard shortcuts (i've used "decrease font size" , "decrease font size) since remapping has no effect what ever.

could pls me remapping or tell me if there easier way change office shortcuts on mac



hi halmesvaara,

please delete shortcuts created before , proceed instruction again. make sure application choose 1 prepare use after that.

meanwhile, please check whether there conflict between shortcuts.



Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Office 365 for business


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