Outlook for Mac 2016 crashes when syncing with private Exchange server - Microsoft Community


i have issue outlook mac 2016 v 15.34 crashing once sync attempted local exchange server.

my outlook working fine, crashes whenever attempt add new calendar event owa or other client, including outlook ios. is, running copies of outlook mac, on different macs, crash simultaneously when event added on other device local exchange calendar.

tried deleting profiles, , re-added accounts. works fine longs exchange online account.

once add local exchange account, , begins sync, crashes.

i should mention tried adding gmail account today outlook mac, later removed it. don't know if has somehow affected local exchange setup.

has else bumped this?

this error stack:

microsoft error reporting log version: 2.0

error signature:
exception: exc_bad_access
exceptionenumstring: 1
exception code: kern_invalid_address (0x0000000000000000)
date/time: 2017-04-20 15:30:54 +0000
application name: microsoft outlook
application bundle id: com.microsoft.outlook
application signature: opim
application bitness: x64
application version:
crashed module name: outlookcore
crashed module version:
crashed module offset: 0x00000000000936a2
blame module name: outlookcore
blame module version:
blame module timestamp: 0x58eca023
blame module offset: 0x00000000000936a2
stackhash: ffffc3e1
application lcid: 2057
app info: reg=en loc=0x0809
crashed thread: 24

thread 0:

#  1  0x00007fff8dc5930a in __nsgesturerecognizerupdate + 0x00000665 (appkit + 0x0000000000a9c30a) 0x0000000000000000
#  2  0x00007fff8f726dd7 in _cfstringfold + 0x00000a87 (corefoundation + 0x00000000000a6dd7) 0x0000000000000000
#  3  0x00007fff8f726d47 in _cfstringfold + 0x000009f7 (corefoundation + 0x00000000000a6d47) 0x00007fff58918540
#  4  0x00007fff8f7078de in -[nstaggedpointerstring uppercasestringwithlocale:] + 0x000001be (corefoundation + 0x00000000000878de) 0x00007fff589185d0
#  5  0x00007fff8f7071c4 in -[__nsdictionaryi countbyenumeratingwithstate:objects:count:] + 0x00000064 (corefoundation + 0x00000000000871c4) 0x00007fff589192c0
#  6  0x00007fff8ec68ebc in _runcurrenteventloopinmode + 0x000000f0 (hitoolbox + 0x0000000000030ebc) 0x00007fff58919350
#  7  0x00007fff8ec68cf1 in _receivenexteventcommon + 0x000001b0 (hitoolbox + 0x0000000000030cf1) 0x00007fff58919390
#  8  0x00007fff8ec68b26 in __blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter + 0x00000047 (hitoolbox + 0x0000000000030b26) 0x00007fff58919410
#  9  0x00007fff8d203e24 in __dpsnextevent + 0x00000460 (appkit + 0x0000000000046e24) 0x00007fff58919430
# 10  0x00007fff8d97f85e in -[nsapplication(nsevent) _nexteventmatchingeventmask:untildate:inmode:dequeue:] + 0x00000aec (appkit + 0x00000000007c285e) 0x00007fff58919850
# 11  0x00007fff8d1f87ab in -[nsapplication run] + 0x0000039e (appkit + 0x000000000003b7ab) 0x00007fff58919b00
# 12  0x00007fff8d1c31de in _nsapplicationmain + 0x000004d5 (appkit + 0x00000000000061de) 0x00007fff58919bf0
# 13  0x00007fffa4e6a235 in _start + 0x00000001 (libdyld.dylib + 0x0000000000005235) 0x00007fff58919c40

x86_64 thread state(64bit):
  __rax: 0x0000000000000000   __rbx: 0x0000000000000000   __rcx: 0x00007fffaa70ce88   __rdx:0x00007fffa459a9e0
  __rdi: 0x0000600000c4bf40   __rsi: 0x00007fff8de22471   __rbp: 0x00007fff58918530   __rsp:0x00007fff589181f0
  __r8: 0x0000000000000040    __r9: 0x000060000013d088    __r10: 0x00007fffaa70cc30   __r11:0x00007f836b225d10
  __r12: 0x0000000000000003   __r13: 0x00007fffa4577040   __r14: 0x0000000000000000   __r15:0x00007fffaa15e4b8
  __rip: 0x00007fff8dc5930a   __rflags: 0x0000000000000297   __cs: 0x000000000000002b   __fs:0x0000000000000000
  __gs: 0x0000000000000000  

thread 1:

#  1  0x00007fffa4f98bf2 in ___psynch_cvwait + 0x0000000a (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x0000000000019bf2) 0x0000000000000000
#  2  0x00007fffa3a03572 in std::out_of_range::~out_of_range() + 0x00000024 (libc++.1.dylib + 0x0000000000007572) 0x0000000000000000
#  3  0x0000000109daa035 in  (outlookcore + 0x00000000002ac035) 0x00007000003202c0
#  4  0x0000000109da9371 in  (outlookcore + 0x00000000002ab371) 0x0000700000320310
#  5  0x0000000109da9446 in  (outlookcore + 0x00000000002ab446) 0x0000700000320360
#  6  0x0000000107970276 in  (microsoft outlook + 0x000000000068a276) 0x00007000003203e0
#  7  0x000000010797121e in  (microsoft outlook + 0x000000000068b21e) 0x0000700000320530
#  8  0x0000000109c7deb7 in  (outlookcore + 0x000000000017feb7) 0x0000700000320bd0
#  9  0x0000000109c7e70d in  (outlookcore + 0x000000000018070d) 0x0000700000320c70
# 10  0x000000010abf37a3 in  (wlmkernel + 0x000000000002c7a3) 0x0000700000320ca0
# 11  0x00007fffa4e3d524 in __dispatch_call_block_and_release + 0x0000000c (libdispatch.dylib + 0x000000000000a524) 0x0000700000320cd0
# 12  0x00007fffa4e348fc in __dispatch_client_callout + 0x00000008 (libdispatch.dylib + 0x00000000000018fc) 0x0000700000320cf0
# 13  0x00007fffa4e4a9a0 in __dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 0x00000380 (libdispatch.dylib + 0x00000000000179a0) 0x0000700000320d10
# 14  0x00007fffa4e3d306 in __dispatch_queue_invoke + 0x00000416 (libdispatch.dylib + 0x000000000000a306) 0x0000700000320db0
# 15  0x00007fffa4e43020 in __dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 0x00000171 (libdispatch.dylib + 0x0000000000010020) 0x0000700000320e30
# 16  0x00007fffa4e366b5 in __dispatch_root_queue_drain + 0x000001dc (libdispatch.dylib + 0x00000000000036b5) 0x0000700000320e80
# 17  0x00007fffa4e3648c in __dispatch_worker_thread3 + 0x00000063 (libdispatch.dylib + 0x000000000000348c) 0x0000700000320ee0
# 18  0x00007fffa5083616 in __pthread_wqthread + 0x00000513 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x0000000000003616) 0x0000700000320ef0
# 19  0x00007fffa50830f1 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000000d (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x00000000000030f1) 0x0000700000320f50

x86_64 thread state(64bit):
  __rax: 0x0000000002000131   __rbx: 0x0000000000000400   __rcx: 0x00007000003201e8   __rdx:0x0000000000000400
  __rdi: 0x00007f836c648c38   __rsi: 0x0000040100000500   __rbp: 0x0000700000320280   __rsp:0x00007000003201e8
  __r8: 0x0000000000000000    __r9: 0x0000000000000060    __r10: 0x0000000000000000   __r11:0x0000000000000202
  __r12: 0x00007f836c648c38   __r13: 0x0000000000000016   __r14: 0x0000000000000001   __r15:0x0000700000321000
  __rip: 0x00007fffa4f98bf2   __rflags: 0x0000000000000202   __cs: 0x0000000000000007   __fs:0x0000000000000000
  __gs: 0x0000000000000000  

operating system information
operating system: mac os x 10.12.4 (build 16e195)
cpu: intel x86, logical cpu count: 4, frequency: 2600 mhz
physical memory: 8192 mb
device: x86_64
screen: 2560.000000 x 1440.000000, bitsperpixel = 24, frame = 0.000000, 0.000000, 2560.000000, 1440.000000

microsoft application information:
error reporting uuid: 27009493-8788-4009-be27-5866b54659bb
uls uuid: 4904db27-bb29-4245-9d74-9572b12c6b51
crashedlogsessionid: 4904db27-bb29-4245-9d74-9572b12c6b51
timefromlaunch: 0 hours, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
crashedsessionduration: 245
total errors on client: 64
crashedapp_virtual_memory_size_mb: 4379.777
crashedapp_resident_memory_size_mb: 209.4296

crashedapp_virtual_memory_size_mb: 4379.777
crashedapp_resident_memory_size_mb: 209.4296

i provided following instructions outlook support team (from mac), following these steps stopped outlook crashing.

  1. quit outlook
  2. run termainal
  3. copy , paste line , run it:
    defaults write com.microsoft.outlook enablecalendaruidmatchnotrequired -bool no
  4. restart outlook

good luck all!

Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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