Rule for moving emails to CC folder - I have two email id with - Microsoft Community

i have 2 email id's : *** email address removed privacy *** and *** email address removed privacy ***  attached same exchange server. mails both id's same outlook.

i want create outlook rule if name in cc, move email cc folder have created.

i created rule condition "where name not in box" , works fine primary email id lets in case rule not work "" emails.

is there way can move mails cc'd me both email id 1 common rule?

the emails comes external users.

would of great if can solution this.


hi ramesh

i have tested in environment on outlook 2016, have create rule on both mailbox because when add multiple account same outlook profile can manage rules applied on them separately. 

in order achieve have create 2 rules 1 each profile.

  1. create folder in 1 of mailbox want move emails
  2. create rule on xxx account if xxx cc'd on msg move message specif folder
  3. create rule on yyy account if yyy cc'd on msg move message specific folder

hope helps


Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016


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