forward meeting - Microsoft Community

hi, in outlook windows can forward meeting invite received person a person b. result person b has nice meeting entry in calendar, , person notified other person attend meeting. future updates of meeting person a, go attendees, including person b.

with outlook mac, not work :-( can forward meeting invite, forwarded email. that's not useful. additional invited person must create own meeting record, organisation not further person join, , further change organisation, not reach additional attendee. 

please add functionality outlook mac too!!! or there feature/workaround don't see???




hi marco,


it’s not feasible forward meeting invite in outlook 2011/2016 mac in outlook windows.


as workaround, please edit meeting , add additional attendee meeting.


if think feature important , want office 365 include it, please provide suggestions or feedback via link below:


many features of current programs have been designed , upgraded based on customers’ feedback. 



Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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