2016 Outlook - Printing a TABLE of the day's e-mails - How do I - Microsoft Community

when our firm converted 365, "from" or "to" column narrow read sender 's or recipient's name, when printing yesterday's e-mails in table style.

how can adjust column widths, or select / reorder columns?

hi jonathan,

it’s not feasible adjust "from" column width view sender's name when printing in table style.

if think feature important , want outlook include it, please provide suggestions or feedback via this link to improve our products feature. many features of current programs have been designed , upgraded based on customers’ feedback. 

we appreciate kind understanding. 

under compact mode, click view settings>format columns> choose from under available fields> width: specific width> identify big number characters.



[updated monique tang msft, 5:12 pm, feb 7, 2017 (utc)]

Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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