Help with Office 365 and only 4 icons - Microsoft Community

can please, in plain simple english, tell me how other icons can work? have mail, calendar, people, , tasks. have spent past hour searching forum community no luck. several others have posted screenshots show experiencing:

i not have time continue surf site assistance. every thread find remotely helpful -- , that, mean people experiencing same thing -- closed without resolution (i.e., doesn't give me information need restore problem).

then this:

"if experiencing similar issue , not see shd post, please let know sharing tenant information via private message (pm) may indicate either scoping issue or independent problem."

but when click on link, take me inbox have no messages sent or received; doesn't tell me how create/send new pm me problem. i'm sorry, these auto-responses wasted on me.

i not administrator or admin assistant. not understand codes, abbreviations, or half stuff support team says in replies other people. appreciate if please explain me (in way can understand) happening , how, if possible, may fix it. thanks.

is office 365 business?

"some tiles might not show in app launcher until features activated (this typically done office 365 administrators). example, if office 365 administrator hasn't activated sharepoint online service, won't see tile delve in app launcher."

according here:

Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Unknown/other


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