how do I set crew sizes in MS Project 2010? - Microsoft Community

different tasks have different hr requirements, whether installation of door frame or installation of wall framing. may require 1 person or twenty. can  i set in resource sheet? or should make resource each crew member or group of crew members. want rid of on allocating 


in project can either create individual resources (i.e. joe, fred, tom, etc.) or groups (i.e. carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, etc.). former declare generic resource instead of joe, fred , tom, might designate each carpenter, bricklayer , electrician, meaning carpenter might joe or ben or other carpenter in crew.

for individual resources max units indicates availability of individual. if joe full-time carpenter, max units 1 (100%). if works half-time, max units 0.5 (50%). if joe assigned work more max unit level (i.e. 2 full time tasks simultaneously), project flag overallocation. threshold overallocaiton can set anywhere minute minute month month.

let's set overallocation basis week week , calendar normal 40 hour week. assign joe work 2 tasks on monday such puts in 10 hours instead of normal 8. same thing tuesday , wednesday, such wednesday quitting time, has 30 of 40 hours. on thursday , friday, joe assigned 5 hours each day. though joe worked overtime on monday, tuesday , wednesday, not overallocated because not assigned work more max of 40 hours in week.

for group resource, might set crew of carpenters, bricklayers , electricians, each 5 man crew. since there 5 individuals in each, max units each group 5 (500%). can have 5 working on simultaneous tasks without overallocation, assuming overallocation basis set day day group.

hope helps.


Office / Project / Windows other / Office 2010


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